Soundtag special #43- 2018 „Tribute to Edgar Froese“ 21.10. 16-19 UhrSoundtag special #43- 2018 „Tribute to Edgar Froese“ 21.10. 16-19 Uhr

Ein Album (Compilation) der besonderen Art. Und FREE DOWNLOAD…..
Sollte in keiner Sammlung Fehlen. „,5 Stunden feinste elektronische Musik.
In July Spheredelic presents the second part of the Edgar Froese compilation, entitled VA – Edgar Froese – Special Tribute – Vol. 2. The compilation was created in honor of the deceased, German musician, composer, actor and artist Edgar Froese.

Initiative has been launched by Christian Fiesel aka FZK Wolf. On this Compilation 11 artists from around the world, who made a musical contribution in honor of Edgar Froese, are represented.

On Vol. 2, you can listen to nostalgic and timeless ambient soundscapes, with a playing time of 155 minutes!

Ab ca 19:30 dann noch 4 tracks aus dem Modul303 Benefit Album Vol.2

Viel Spass beim Soundtag Special wünscht das Modul303 Team

Hier gehts zum Download >>>>>>>click here<<<<<<<