SOUNDTAG SPECIAL #48-2018 – “Ambient Music Guide mix“SOUNDTAG SPECIAL #48-2018 – “Ambient Music Guide mix“

Was man nicht alles findet im www, wenn man Langeweile hat. Mein Stöbern hat sich gelohnt und präsentiere euch Heute 3 Stunden erstklassische Groove,down tempo und Ambient tracks. Schaut mal auf der Homepage um ,,,,es lohnt sich
I’ll play it first and tell you what it is later.“ – Miles Davis

Ambient Music Guide started life in 1992 as a reference book manuscript.

In 2001 it became a website, in retrospect one of my better life choices.

The years of accumulated grief from shopping it around unsympathetic publishers soon disappeared as the site gained a following and allowed me to grow and revise the content as the years passed.

The site remains non-commercial and fully independent – my aim has always been to educate and turn people on to good music.


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