Album der Woche # 28-2020 – „Quantum Theory“ by Fritz Mayr

Der Soundmagier aus Wels, hat wieder ein tolles Soundfeuerwerk abgeliefert und das sagen andere darüber:+

Dariusz Strzelczyk „Quantum Theory“ is another amazing album. This time, Fritz Mayr takes us into the world of quantums, a space as mysterious as the abyss of space. He leads us to the areas where our usual perception and understanding ends.

Asbury Seaman: This is the most exciting album Mayr has produced in years and ranks among his best. A perfect example of the less-is-more philosophy, „Planksche Constant“ is flawless long-form ambient, using restraint to devastating impact. Dispensing with the busy drums and crescendo-ing melotrons, Mahr lets a simple sequencer line slowly build like Klaus Schulze used to do, both soothing and trance-inducing: with a somber undercurrent reflective of these difficult times while constantly twinkling with hope. Favorite track: Planksche Constant.

Das ganze Album gibt es hier